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Different definitions of foamed concrete and lightweight concrete
- 2023-02-24 -

A, defined
1, foamed concrete
Foam concrete through the foaming agent foaming of foamed concrete equipment you will be diluted by mechanical means full foam and foam cement slurry mixture, and special equipment for foam concrete pumping system for in-situ construction, nature conservation and the formation of a new lightweight thermal insulation materials containing a large number of closed pores.
Foam concrete is a member of a large family, in recent years, have attached great importance to research and development of foam concrete, making it more and more wide application in the fields of construction, traffic.
2, concrete
Ceramsite concrete, also known as lightweight aggregate concrete, ceramics for coarse aggregate, sand (comparison of roof slope) or porcelain sand as fine aggregate in lightweight aggregate concrete. Lightweight concrete is a kind of lightweight concrete.
Second, the physical and mechanical properties
1, foamed concrete
(1) light weight
The density of foam concrete, common 300-1200kg/m3 of the density of foam concrete grade, density 160kg/m3 of super light foamed concrete products in recent years also in construction applications. Because of the density of foam concrete, walls, both inside and outside of the building dimensions, floor, column structure, such as the weight of the building materials and can be used in lower 25%, of total weight of the structure of 30%-40%. And the structural members, such as the use of foamed concrete instead of ordinary concrete to improve bearing capacity of Member. Therefore, the use of foam concrete in construction projects has significant economic benefits.
(2) good thermal insulation properties
Because of their small foam concrete containing a large number of closed pores, so it has good thermal properties, which is not found in ordinary concrete. Density usually rank in the 300-1200kg/M3 range of foam concrete, thermal conductivity of 0.08-0.3W/(m · K), thermal resistance is about 10-20 times that of ordinary concrete. Foam concrete as wall and roofing materials, has a good energy-saving effect.
(3) good sound and fire performance
Foam concrete is a porous material, so it's also a good soundproofing material, floors in the building and Highway noise barriers, underground the top floor of the building can be used as a sound-proof layer of the material. Foamed concrete are inorganic materials, which has good fire resistance of buildings can improve the fire performance of a building. (4) good overall performance
Field construction, with the main project closely.
(5) low shock absorption well
Porosity of foamed concrete with a low elastic modulus, so that its impact has good absorption and dispersion.
(6) good durability
The same as the main part of the project life.
(7) production and processing
Foam concrete production not only in the factory into a variety of products, but also construction direct roof, floor and wall coverings.
(8) good environmental performance
Foamed concrete required raw material for cement, fly ash and foaming agent, blowing agents are close to neutral, does not contain harmful substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, avoiding environmental pollution and fire hazards.
(9) construction
Just use the cement foam machine operation can be automated can vertical pumping height of 150 meters long distance transportation, the workload is 150-300 cubic meters/day.
2, concrete
(1) low density, light weight.
Ceramic bulk density of less than 1100kg/M3 itself, usually 300~900kg/M3. Ceramsite concrete density of aggregate production for the 1100~1800kg/M3, is characterized by the appearance of ceramic hard, and there's a lot of holes. These ceramic light-Kong Fu attributes.
(2) thermal insulation, thermal insulation.
Ceramic internal porous, it has a better thermal insulation, thermal conductivity of concrete prepared with it as 0.3~0.8W/(m · K), 1~2 times lower than normal concrete.
(3) fire-resistant, good
Ceramics have excellent fire resistance. At 650 ° c under high temperature, maintained ambient temperature strength of ceramisite concrete 85%. 35%~75% of common concrete strength only room temperature.
(4) seismic performance
Ceramisite concrete light weight, low modulus, deformation resistance performance is good, it has a better seismic performance.

Shenzhen lightweight concrete , foamed concrete manufacturers in Shenzhen Jin Jianda construction company are welcome to inquire.